MS-C1300 - Complex Analysis, Lecture, 21.10.2024-2.12.2024
This course space end date is set to 02.12.2024 Search Courses: MS-C1300
Lecturer:- Kalle Kytölä
Teaching assistants:
- Anton Vavilov (Head TA)
- Mikail Müftüoglu (TA)
- Matvei Zhukov (TA)
- The lectures will be held on Mondays 12-14 and Thursdays 10-12. See the Lectures tab for more details.
- There are five exercise groups, each with 2h/week exercise session. See the Exercises tab for more details.
- The course discussion forum
is going to be a Zulip chat It will be used for announcements
and discussions about the course topics, lectures, exercises,
practicalities, etc., and some quizzes and polls may be held there. You
can and should login with your Aalto account. The data is
hosted at Aalto University servers, but the policy is to not post any
sensitive information in this discussion forum; see the general rules of
Description of the course
TBACourse contents and learning objectives
Key topics of the course include:
- the interpretation and use of complex numbers, holomorphic functions (=analytic functions), basic complex functions, complex contour integrals (=line integrals), sequences and series, Cauchy's formula and its consequences
Upon successful completion of this course, you should . . .- . . . be able to make use of complex numbers in solving geometric problems
- . . . be able to solve mapping problems in the plane
- . . . recognize the behavior of complex functions
- . . . be able to interpret basic properties of analytic (holomorphic and meromorphic) functions
- . . . be able calculate real integrals by making use of complex integrals.
A sufficient prior knowledge is a good command of:
MS-A02XX Differential and integral calculus 2
(The course MS-C1541 Metric Spaces would make much of the theory of complex analysis easier to understand properly, but it is not a prerequisite.)
Exams and grading
The course is completed by taking a final exam. For the purposes of determining the grade, the exercises done during the period III course contribute as bonus points and may thus improve the grade from the exam-only option. These additional points will be valid in each of the three exams of the academic year 2024-2025:- T0: Monday December 2, 2024 at 09:00-12:00
- T01: Monday, February 17, 2025 at 13:00-16:00
- T02: Wednesday, June 4 at 16:30-19:30
The final exam has 5 problems, each worth 6 points, so the course total is 30 points. For the purposes of determining the grade, the exercises can contribute up to 6 bonus points added to the final exam score.You are allowed to bring to the exam a handwritten memory aid sheet. The memory aid sheet must be of size A4 with text only on one side, and it must contain your name and student number in the upper right corner. You don’t need to return your memory aid sheet.
- Kalle Kytölä