
  • The course grade is based 60% on the exam and 30% on problem sets, and 10% on the group assignment (a case write-up). In order to pass the course you must obtain at least 50% of the possible total points for the problem sets.

    The total points for problem sets takes into account your 4 highest problem set scores out of the all 5 problem sets. This is meant to allow for one randomly missed deadline or sick days, etc.  Model solutions are released at the deadline so deadline extensions are not available under any circumstance. 

    If the maximum points among all students from a problem set or the final exam is below 100 then the points for all students from that PS/exam will be rescaled so that the rescaled maximum is 100. (This does not apply to the retake exam, due to fewer takers).

    If, after carefully reading the model solution, you think that there has been an error in the grading then write a description of where and why you suspect an error. Send it to the TAs and we will consider the case. If the issue cannot be resolved in one or two emails, then a meeting will be arranged where we go over your answer and the model solution. 

    There are no secret methods for obtaining extra credit or additional retakes or deadline extensions. Grading is merit-based: needing more points or a better grade is not a valid cause for regrading.

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    • Results PS5 (preliminary)

      Among those students who returned PS4 there were 12 who still needed points from PS5 to obtain the minimum to pass this course. Their PS5 has been preliminarily graded. Of those 10 who handed in PS5 all but two will get enough points to meet the requirement.

      The other two have been contacted by email on Oct 14th. So, if you returned PS4, needed (less than 100) points to make it to 200 from best four PSets, and did not receive an email telling you otherwise, this means you have passed the problem set points requirement for this course.

      10-18 16:45 Complete PS5 results have been released below. In two of the above cases, where preliminary total points exceeded 200, the final points ended up slightly below 200; however the preliminary "pass" remains valid.

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      Results: Group assignment 1 Fil PDF
      Most case write-ups were good and the baseline score was 80. Additional points were awarded for more interesting and innovative analyses. Most points deductions for incorrect application of microeconomic concepts. 
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      The grades should now appear in the registry. The grade is based on course points, with cutoffs by Grade:PointsAtLeast 1:40, 2:50, 3:60, 4:70 and 5:85. 

      The formula for calculating the course points is 

      CoursePoints = 60 (ExamPoints/100) + 30 (PSPoints/400) + 10(CasePoints/90) 

      where PSPoints is the sum of best 4 problem set points.