

    Here you can find all assignments related to the course.  Notice the deadlines! 

    • 2. Reading assignment. Read the article (Biggs & Tang). Before Contact Session 2, 21.10.

    • 3. Reading assignment. Read an article marked for you. Before Contact Session 3, 4.11.

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      Declan Kennedy, Áine Hyland, Norma Ryan: Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide

      Members: Esa, Juanjo, Jildou, David, Kari

    • URL icon

      Karjalainen, A., Alha, K. ja Jutila, S. (2006) Give me time to think. (pp.9-39) About workload and learning - credits and calculation.

      Members: Filippo, Timo, Heli, Kaija

    • URL icon

      Hyppönen, O. & Lindén, S. Handbook for teachers - course structures, Teaching methods and assessment, Chapter 3, pp.18-33 and Chapter 4 pp.34-35 

      Members: Mark, Antonio, Meeri, Meri, Jan

    • Forum icon
      • Make observations on learning, teaching, guidance, supervision, tutoring etc. regarding your own field during the course
      • You can observe your own teaching, students' learning, your peer's teaching or you can follow and reflect discussions e.g. in the media (news, articles, discussion forums etc.)
      • Write your first writing in Moodle using a new topic (at least 150 words).
      • Focus on analyzing, questioning, wondering, rethinking, considering...
      • Read also what the others have observed and written.
      Deadline for the first writing is 1.11.2015

    • 6. Assignment: comment on two observations according to the 4. Assignment: pedagogical observation.