
Omfattning: 3

Tidtabel: 28.02.2019 - 04.04.2019

Ansvarslärare (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Minna Lyytinen

Undervisningsperiod (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Lärandemål (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to
- Recognize how culture and language affect the working dynamics and outcomes of multicultural teams
- Apply major intercultural theories and frameworks to understand different dynamics in multicultural teamwork and virtual cooperation
- Identify and apply theories on the effect of culture in leadership styles across cultures
- Apply different strategies create and set multicultural teams to enhance their outcomes

Innehåll (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

This course deepens the students’ knowledge on the theories that explain aspects in multicultural teamwork and leadership styles. This course covers topics such as effective multicultural teamwork both in face-to-face and virtual cooperation, team development, dealing with conflicts, “third culture” building, and cultural difference in leadership styles. The overall aim of this course is to improve the students’ skills to work in multicultural teams for projects in the academic and professional context.

Metoder, arbetssätt och bedömningsgrunder (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

- Active participation 15%
- Online Discussion Forums 30%
- Rules of engagement and team building 15%
- Group project/Exam 40%

Arbetsmängd (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

24 h group instruction + 12 h guided online lessons + 45 independent study

Studiematerial (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Online readings accessed through Aalto Finna and MyCourses

Kursens webbplats (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):

Förkunskaper (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Preferably LC-0420 Introduction to Intercultural Communication or similar.

Bedömningsskala (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

0 - 5

Tilläggsinformation (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

This course does not fulfill the university regulations for foreign language studies. Participants must attend 80% of the class sessions. Preference will be given to the students that have taken the course LC-0420 Introduction to Intercultural Communication.


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