Kurssialueelle liittyminen

Laajuus: 6

Aikataulu: 18.02.2019 - 08.03.2019

Osaamistavoitteet (voimassa 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Learning outcomes for this course, upon successful completion, include the ability to:
1) understand basic theories, concepts and practices of accounting, 2) understand the role of accounting in the management of business institutions, 3) understand the essential distinction between financial and managerial accounting, 4) understand the concepts and role of revenue, expense, asset, liability and equity accounts in financial accounting, 5) understand and develop income statements, 6) understand and prepare balance sheets, and 7) understand and develop cash flow statements.

Sisältö (voimassa 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

An introduction to essential theories, concepts, vocabulary and practices of accounting. Attention is given to the role and methods of accounting in business organizations. Distinctions are made between financial accounting and managerial accounting with relevant applications. After the course, a student will be able to read financial statements and interpret key financial figures, evaluate the financial value of companies, and understand the role of financial control in organizations in general.

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