
Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


After succesful completion of the course student is able to 1 recognise and discuss connections between changes in design practices and cultural and societal changes 2 review and reflect history of design practices vis-a-vis sustainability development 3 recognise and discuss diffusion of design and innovations

Credits: 3

Schedule: 11.09.2020 - 23.10.2020

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Heidi Paavilainen

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Heidi Paavilainen

Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):

University lecturer Heidi Paavilainen (
Heidi has long academic career in the Department, starting with BA and MA in Textile design and PhD in Industrial design. Already as a MA student she became interested in how products, ideas and phenomena spread and become mainstream. Her PhD research was about how ideas and products enter home and become part of everyday experience. These days the majority of her time goes to teaching, tutoring and educational leadership but what she can spare, she spends on research about "domestication of recycled stuff", that is, through which processes and practices people appropriate secondhand products and materials, thus aiming to contribute to the general field of circular economy with a user point of view. Heidi speaks Finnish and English.

CEFR level (applies in this implementation):

Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):

Teaching language: English

Languages of study attainment: Finnish, Swedish, English


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    The course provides an introduction to the intertwined histories of innovations and design, by discussing how these two fields have influenced each other. Common reference point in the discussion is to see how innovations and design practices have contributed, for better or worse, to the sustainability of the economy, people and the planet. Working methods: lectures, excursions, assignments.

    Alternatively, student can study independently and take an electric exam in specified times. Exam times are published in MyCourses course front page.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    See timetable below.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Doing the course by attenting contact teaching: 80% participation, assignments. Doing the course by exam: exam.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    Student performance in HID (lecture) is evaluated based on individual work (60%) and group work (40%), provided that attendance requirement of 80% is met. HID (exam) is evaluated based on exam results.

    Grading of HID (lecture):

     - Individual work: In each lecture at least one assignment is put forward, with a deadline next Monday. The assignment is typically an open question to which student answer in writing or visualisation. Each of these assignments earns student maximum of 10 points, maximum total being 60 points. This can be done in English, Finnish or Swedish.

    - Group work: in groups of three, students will summarise and comment the themes discussed in the lectures with a storyboard or poster. Each storyboard/poster will earn student maximum of 20 points, maximum total being 40 points.This can be done only in English. Deadline for this assignments is the last day of the period, 24.10.2020.

    - Assignments must be submitted on time. Each beginning 24h of being late will earn penalty of -5 points to the student(s) in question.

    Grading of HID (exam):

    - Electric exam service draws 10 questions to the student to answer with a brief essay-like text. Each answer earns student maximum of 10 points. Exam can be done in English, Finnish or Swedish.

    Final grade of the course is calculated accordingly:

     - 0-50 points = course grade fail (0)

    - 51-60 points = course grade satisfactory (1)

    - 61-70 points = course grade very satisfactory (2)

    - 71-80 points = course grade good (3)

    - 81-90 points = course grade very good (4)

    - 91-100 points = course grade excellent (5)


    If student is not satisfied with their grade, higher grade can be attempted by taking the lecture course again or (re)doing the exam. In any case student can always contact teacher in charge to talk about the course, their grading or any other matter relating to the course. Technical mistakes in grading will be of course solved without redoing the course.

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    • 81h
    • Contact teaching 24h
    • Independent studying 40h
    • Personal reflection and self-assessment 16h
    • Course feedback 1h

  • Applies in this implementation:

    HID (lecture):
    Notice that there is some recalculation of working hours due to course being online.

    - Contact teaching 18 hours refers to the 6 zoom sessions during Period 1.

    - Independent studying 46 hours refers to working with the course assignments individually and in group. Altogether this is around 6,5 hours/week.

    - Personal reflection and self-assessment 16 hours refers to the internalisation and reflection based on course contents to which there is about 2,5 hours/ week. This crucial phase of learning and development takes place in student’s own time and is not scheduled or evaluated by the teacher.

    - Course feedback 1 hour refers to the feedback that student gives about the course via Webropol survey and directly to the teacher.

    HID (exam):

    - Contact teaching 0 hours. Doing HID independently in your own pace does not involve contact teaching. Student can, however, seek tutoring from teacher in charge of the course and benefit from the materials in MyCourse while preparing to the exam.

    - Independent studying 64 hours refers to the reading of literature and materials to be examined and to the doing of exam (about 2h). This means around 9 hours / week if done in one period + the exam.

    - Personal reflection and self-assessment 16 hours refers to the internalisation and reflection based on course contents to which there is about 2,5 hours/ week. This crucial phase of learning and development takes place in student’s own time and is not scheduled or evaluated by the teacher.

    - Course feedback 1 hour refers to the feedback that student gives about the course via Webropol survey and directly to the teacher.


Study Material
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Listed in course syllabus

  • Applies in this implementation:

    To be updated before mid August.

Substitutes for Courses
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    MUO-C0001 Muotoilun rooli ja merkitys, 2 op; 01016 Modernin taideteollisuuden historia 3 op

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    No prerequisites

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

    11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

    12 Responsible Production and Consumption

    13 Climate Action


Details on the schedule
  • Applies in this implementation:

    Zoom, Friday September 11
    9:15-12 Introduction to the course. Common innovation and design history narratives. Bringing these narratives together. Course working methods, workload, assignments and evaluation.
    13-17 Independent studying, no class

    Zoom, Friday September 18
    9:15-12 History of users. How currently dominant ideas of comfort and user friendliness came to be, resulting in design anthropology, participatory and service design and relaxing of fashion.
    13-17 Independent studying, no class

    Zoom, Friday September 25
    9:15-12 History of lifestyles. How hunter-gatherers turned farmers turned urban consumers who set fashion mechanism going. Design in service of commerce.
    13-17 Independent studying, no class

    Zoom, Friday October 2
    9:15-12 History of purity. How obsession for cleanliness has influenced design and fashion. Changing ideas about contamination and fear of "dirt". Inclusion and exclusion by design.
    13-17 Independent studying, no class

    Zoom, Friday October 9
    9:15-12 History of undesigned. This session has two parts. First, discussion about design’s exclusiveness and the areas where there is urgent demand for better design. Second, anatomy of undesigned, evolutionary  innovation.
    13-17 Independent studying, no class

    Zoom, Friday October 16
    9:15-12 Sustainable future of innovations and design. Some takes on how design professionals can do work that produces sustainability.
    13-17 Independent studying, no class

    Friday October 23
    9:15-17 Independent studying, no class.

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