After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- carry out a heuristic expert-based usability evaluation on a UI;
- apply design patterns and other interface concepts in interaction design;
- design interaction sequences and user flows, considering UI design beyond individual screen layouts only;
- contribute to the design of design systems;
- use theories from psychology, human factors, and social sciences in UI design;
- use sketching and digital tools in interaction design.
Credits: 6
Schedule: 09.01.2025 - 13.02.2025
Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):
Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Antti Salovaara, Felix Epp
Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):
CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):
Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):
Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English
valid for whole curriculum period:
This course teaches the basics of user interface design, mostly for screen-based systems such as desktop and mobile applications. The focus is on methods, theories and concepts that are commonly used in UX/UI profession. After the course, the student is able to critically evaluate and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of different design choices on interaction level when they participate in digital product design projects.
Assessment Methods and Criteria
valid for whole curriculum period:
Individual assignments. Activeness during contact teaching. 100% active contact teaching attendance, of which 20% can be covered with additional assignment.
valid for whole curriculum period:
Overall workload 6 ECTS = 162 h, including:
- Contact teaching 36h
- Independent studying 93h
- Time to think 32 h
- Giving course feedback 1h
Minimum 80% attendance in contact teaching is required.
Study Material
valid for whole curriculum period:
Will be distributed at the course. Available through MyCourses.
Substitutes for Courses
valid for whole curriculum period:
valid for whole curriculum period:
Further Information
valid for whole curriculum period:
Teaching Language: English
Teaching Period: 2024-2025 Spring III
2025-2026 Spring IIIRegistration:
Registration for Courses in Sisu. Minimum number of students 10, maximum number of students 50.
Priority order:
- CoID students;
- USchool students;
- SCI CCIS/HCI students (max 5) and ENG Mechanical Engineering / Product Development students (max 5);
- Exchange students;
- Other ARTS Design MA students;
- Other Aalto students.
Students who have completed Bachelor's Degree will be prioritized. Priority order to courses is according to the order of priority decided by the Academic committee for School of Arts, Design and Architecture https//www.aalto.fi/en/services/registering-to-courses-and-the-order-of-priority-at-aalto-arts