35E00350 - Sales & Operations Planning D, Lecture, 2.3.2023-21.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 21.04.2023 Search Courses: 35E00350
Case Study 1
Case Leitax questions
Please note that these are only guiding questions. We expect to find the answers to these questions in your case report. Nevertheless, as this is a master's level course, we appreciate any efforts to go above and beyond the requirements.
1. Based on the description of planning system before the Redesign Project which function or individuals should be held responsible for the planning problems in FY2002? In FY2004?
2. Assess the consensus forecasting (CFP) process used at Leitax?
3. Based on the description in the text and the evidence in Exhibits 6 and 9, what went wrong with the SF6000 forecast?
4. What are the core elements of the CFP that Fowler and McMillan should strive to maintain?
5. How, if at all, would you recommend the process be improved?