ARTS-A0630 - Living colour - an intensive, experimental, cross-disciplinary course on natural dyes and dyeing, 3 ECTS, Lectures, 1.8.2023-17.8.2023
This course space end date is set to 17.08.2023 Search Courses: ARTS-A0630
Learning diary: Mordanting
Completion requirements
Opened: Tuesday, 1 August 2023, 1:32 PM
Due: Monday, 14 August 2023, 11:59 PM
Write a half-to-one-page (1/2-page to 1/1 page) learning diary considering:
What was new/surprising/inspiring/interesting to you considering mordants and mordanting with regards to natural dyeing?
Add photos to your file if you like.
Save as a PDF-file named firstname.lastname.mordating.pdf and upload below.