CS-E4920 - Portfolio in Software and Service Engineering (V), Lecture, 29.8.2023-8.5.2024
This course space end date is set to 08.05.2024 Search Courses: CS-E4920
Task 1: Analysis of open job positions
Completion requirements
Try to find positions that match your planned major and track selection. Do not to limit yourself just to entry-level positions, but consider also senior and advanced positions. Also, do not focus solely on software developer positions, but take a broader view on the field of SSE. Remember to check out both companies that develop software as well as companies that buy software or use software in their business operations.
Secondly, together with your pair, select about 10 interesting open positions. Save the adverts for later use.
Thirdly, analyze the open positions you selected in more detail:
Submit the report to MyCourses before the deadline.
See also Task 2, and start scheduling an interview in a company related to an open position.
Opened: Saturday, 26 August 2023, 2:50 PM
Due: Monday, 2 October 2023, 1:00 PM
Your task is to browse, collect and analyze open positions and job recruit adverts. This task is done in pairs. You can use this Google Sheet to find a pair and to show formed pairs.
Firstly, browse through open positions and job adverts within the field of Software and Service Engineering. You can find them, e.g., through Aalto JobTeaser, or LinkedIn->Jobs.Try to find positions that match your planned major and track selection. Do not to limit yourself just to entry-level positions, but consider also senior and advanced positions. Also, do not focus solely on software developer positions, but take a broader view on the field of SSE. Remember to check out both companies that develop software as well as companies that buy software or use software in their business operations.
Secondly, together with your pair, select about 10 interesting open positions. Save the adverts for later use.
Thirdly, analyze the open positions you selected in more detail:
- What kinds of positions they are?
- What kinds of companies and domains?
- What kinds of skills and knowledge are the companies looking for? Keep in mind both SSE specific skills and generic skills? (see the TEK survey below for a list of generic skills)
Submit the report to MyCourses before the deadline.
See also Task 2, and start scheduling an interview in a company related to an open position.
- 21 June 2023, 10:55 AM