TU-E5040 - Product Management D, Lecture, 4.9.2023-12.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 12.10.2023 Search Courses: TU-E5040
Final report
Convey to a knowledgeable audience how PM organised in the case company and how it could be developed.
Summarise your observations, analyses and evaluation of product management in the case organisation in a concise and audience-oriented format.
The case report should be concise and quite self-explanatory report that consists of a description of what is, analysis of why things are as they are, and evaluation of how well the current stage match the goals and how things should progress.
The case study is a demonstration of your knowledge about PM, your ability to identify key drivers of product management in the case organization, ability to focus on such results that are informative of PM audience (and the fellow students), and ability to report this in a way that is oriented towards this audience.
Grading is based on following items, with equal weights: Description & data, analysis of the drivers, evaluation and recommendations, and overall reporting. It’s good to note that these are not isolated elements, rather, they tend to cumulate: credible recommendations build on data, description and analyses.
Abstract: Briefly the key point, approx. 100 words
Case company & product: Background for the case & context
Data & Methods: Short description on what data your results are based on and what methods you have used to derive the results
Product management in case company. Descriptive part: How Product Management is organised in the company? What is the role of a product manager, what is the role of product management, what are the tools & processes? Etc.
Drivers of product management development in case company. Explanatory part: Why PM is organised as it is: Legacies, development stages, goals of the company; Industry / product structure, etc
Evaluation and development directions. In what aspects is the PM organisation, roles and routines appropriate or inappropriate in terms of the goals and strategy of the company?How product management should be developed?