ELEC-L0902 - Introduction to Doctoral Studies D, Lecture, 1.9.2023-4.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 04.12.2023 Search Courses: ELEC-L0902
Practical Tips Assignment
Read the following material:
Read the document named “Practical tips for doctoral students” by Pekka Belt, Matti Mottonen & Janne Harkonen, You can find this document in the Materials section. Please note that you need to register to the course in Sisu and after that log in to MyCourses in order to access the Materials section.
After reading the document, write a reflective essay (1-2 pages) where you reflect on your learning. Please use the Gibbs' reflective cycle or some other recognized reflective writing method, to reflect on what you have learned. You can reflect on the 3-4 most important topics of this material. You may write one reflective cycle where you reflect on all the 3-4 topics chosen, or you may write several small cycles for the 3-4 different topics you have chosen and reflect on each topic separately. If you choose the later, you may conclude your reflections in one overall cycle. If using another method than Gibbs reflective cycle, please provide sources that describe the method. You can find links to the Gibb’s cycle here:
You can also repeat how to write a reflective cycle from the slides from Seminar 1 (check the materials section). It might help you to do the reflection if you use the headings given for the Gibbs cycle:
- Description of the experience (what did you read?)
- Feelings and thoughts about the experience (what did you feel/expect/think before and what did you feel/think after the reading?)
- Evaluation of the experience, both good and bad (what was good and bad about the reading and learning?)
- Analysis to make sense of the situation (why did you feel like you did and why was your experience the way it was (good or bad)?)
- Conclusion about your analysis and what you could have done differently
- Action plan for how you would deal with a similar situation in the future. (action plan for what would you do differently next time to improve your learning experience)
Write your name and student number in the text and name the file with your last name. Submit your reflective essay in the PDF format to the submission box in MyCourses.