TU-E4040 - Opportunity Prototyping D, Lecture, 12.9.2023-10.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 10.10.2023 Search Courses: TU-E4040
What Are Others Experiencing (10%)
Completion requirements
Due: Monday, 18 September 2023, 12:00 PM
"Shopping" for groceries is an "interaction" rich environment to explore. Take the time to investigate what interaction(s) you observe. Describe what you think is going on by identifying qualities of the interaction itself. It will be helpful for you to think of at least 4 words to complete the phrase "the (interaction observed) can be characterised by ... x (and you fill in the x!)" Do not take photos of other people without their consent AND many retail outlets don't allow such activity in any event. Use your eyes as the camera and provide visual(s) from searching relevant images online.