31E11100 - Microeconomics: Pricing, Lecture, 4.9.2023-18.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 18.10.2023 Search Courses: 31E11100
Reading assignment 1 (due 6.9. at 10:15)
Completion requirements
Due: Wednesday, 6 September 2023, 10:15 AM
Read Alan T. Sorensen (2000): ”Equilibrium Price Dispersion in Retail Markets for Prescription Drugs”, Journal of Political Economy 108 (4). (available at https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/316103?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents).
Answer shortly but accurately:
1. Describe the main finding of the article.
2. Why is the specific market studied in the paper particularly well suited for the question at hand?