LC-1117 - Integrated Oral and Written Skills (o,w), Lecture (BSc Data Science group 2), 12.9.2023-21.11.2023
This course space end date is set to 21.11.2023 Search Courses: LC-1117
Pre-course task 1: Brainstorm and bring suggestions of controversial topics from your field
Completion requirements
Due: Tuesday, 12 September 2023, 10:15 AM
This is a so-called "empty" or "dummy" assignment box. It merely serves to remind you what and when an assignment or smaller task is due. DO NOT TRY TO DEPOSIT ANYTHING HERE.
Brainstorm on current
controversial topics primarily in the field of data science, but also more broadly in science and technology for the team presentation, and possibly other assignments. Write down 1) the issue, 2) what makes it controversial, & 3) where do you stand. Bring your notes to class and be prepared to discuss your ideas with course mates.