CHEM3048.kand - Kandidaatintyö ja seminaari CHEM3048.kand, Luento-opetus, 9.1.2024-17.5.2024
This course space end date is set to 17.05.2024 Search Courses: CHEM3048.kand
English Workshop 1 (submit by 28 Feb)
Completion requirements
Due: Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 11:59 PM
Please only submit the requested pages as one document (not the whole thesis template). Bring the introduction section to the workshop with you for peer reading.
Text sample = 2-3 pages that include
1) the title page of the thesis
2) the introduction section (continuous
text, not notes or extracts)
Please submit your file as a Word document, and include your name in the submission title. (e.g. Workshop 2_Thesis Excerpt_MCampbell)
Did you remember to sign up for this workshop ( English workshop1 )?