MNGT-E3003 - Social Innovation, Lecture, 9.1.2024-15.2.2024
This course space end date is set to 15.02.2024 Search Courses: MNGT-E3003
Individual assignment for week 2
1 individual reflection
Write a one-page reflection (single spaced, 12pt font) on the types of social innovation that you are most drawn to, and can imagine being a part of, and your thinking behind this. Give your reflection a title that captures its essence.
The weekly reflections are meant to help you prepare part of the content for the final individual assignment. Their submission is mandatory for passing the course, but they will not count toward your grade. Reflections are open-ended and their content, structure and style are up to you. There are no specific or “correct” answers expected – rather, they are an opportunity for you to think about each topic and find your own opinion. Critical thinking is encouraged, as well as arguing for your point of view, or connecting it to your own prior experiences or that of the people you know.
Note that you can explore and go deeper into the same topic across reflections, if you so wish, as prompts for each reflection differ.
You may use AI for your assignments, but if you do so, please familiarize yourself with the AI policy in the syllabus, and add paragraph to the end of any assignment that utilizes AI, detailing what you used it for and all the prompts you used to obtain the results. Failure to do so breaches academic honesty policies.