MLI61A130 - Business Communication, 04.01.2021-13.01.2021
This course space end date is set to 13.01.2021 Search Courses: MLI61A130
A2b Individual Persuasive Presentation (not for course grading)
Completion requirements
Due: in class on Friday 8 January.
Topic: You can freely choose the topic, as long as it is persuasive, business-related and appropriate.
Length: 5 minutes
Visual support material: PowerPoint slides, Prezi-visuals or the like should NOT be used for the presentation.
Procedure in class in small groups:
- Give your 5-minute presentations in turns. The others act as the audience, and they also type written feedback (download feedback sheet Word document here) during the presentation.
- After each presentation, the group should spend about 7 minutes giving oral feedback to the presenter. Talk about both the good points of the presentation and the points to consider. It is important that the presenter gets comprehensive feedback in order to know what her/his strong and weaker points are.
- Hand in your feedback forms to the presenter at the end of the session. Ask for each presenter's email address (or other contact) and email/give your feedback forms to each presenter at the end of the session.
- After all presentations are done in your group, come back to Main Zoom Session for post-presentation discussion.
- 8 January 2021, 11:05 AM