USP-E0314 - Capstone Project, Lecture, 14.9.2021-7.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 07.12.2021 Search Courses: USP-E0314
TASK 1: ANALYSIS (4 mixed groups )
The first task is to be done in four mixed groups so that students get to know and critically analyse these issues from multiple perspectives:
Group 1) Comparative examples of similar areal development projects and their backgrounds, from Helsinki and elsewhere.
Group 2) The physical and immaterial context of Makasiiniranta area and the project; e.g., physical, functional, traffic, biological, social, economic context separately? Maps, other GIS, etc. can be used as an aid.
Group 3) Form a picture of the constraints of the competition and the area for planning: at least the physical and functional constraints based on the competition agenda and policy-making, perhaps also the public debate?
Group 4) Scenario planning: What could be the essential significance and role of the planning area in 20, 50, 100 and 500 years? What are the important variables for development and what development options could there be?