LC-1114 - Communicating Technology (o,w), Lecture, 13.9.2021-25.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 25.10.2021 Search Courses: LC-1114
A5 Presentation outline (9 am Sept 29 if rehearsal on Oct 4 or 9 am Oct 6 if reherasal on Oct 11)
Notice that the deadline of this tasks depends on your rehearsal date!
Find A5 Presentation outline template attached below and fill it in according to the instructions. Do not write full language/complete sentences anywhere else than just in the introduction and the conclusion sections. In the body section, only note down key words and short phrases. The outline is a supportive plan for the content and organisation, NOT a script of the speech.
See also the example outline attached below to help you see what should be included and how. Also take a look at the slides attached nelow on Metadiscourse: transitions and signposting (more useful language available also in section Materials, Language aids: presentations ).
Notice that you can update this outline at any stage before the final presentation.
- Planning section
- Introduction, written out in full language, as you would speak it.
- Names of main topic areas (as headings)
- Subtopics (in note form, as key words or phrases only)
- main transition sentences to introduce a new main topic area or a new section
(indicated in the outline template).
- The conclusion section, written out in full language, as you would speak it
- List of references to your sources and for further learning
The purpose of the outline is to help you plan the content and organisation of the presentation effectively as well as to make it easier for you to detach yourself from the written medium. Planning and practising the presentation based on an outline will help you stay on focus during the speech and speak freely, in your own words.
This stage is an often overlooked stage in presentation planning. Yet, when you do it well, you are well on your way towards a successful presentation.
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- 17 August 2021, 10:29 AM
- 17 August 2021, 10:29 AM
- 17 August 2021, 10:29 AM