MUO-E8030 - Design Approaches to Sustainable Consumption, Lecture, 11.1.2022-17.2.2022
This course space end date is set to 17.02.2022 Search Courses: MUO-E8030
Learning diary
Completion requirements
See the detailed composition of your course grade as feedback to your diary entry.
Opened: Monday, 14 February 2022, 12:24 PM
Due: Sunday, 27 February 2022, 11:59 PM
During the course students write a learning diary. The learning diary consists of weekly reflection on readings, lecture contents, and also your case work progress. The outcome is a complete and finalised document as PDF.
Learning diary (max.12 pages or 5000 words):
For each week, write:
- A brief summary of the readings and reflection on selected topics
- Reflect on the session: What was most interesting?
- Case work: How is it progressing? Challenges, reflection?
Add short introduction on your motivations and yourself as a sustainable designer. At the end, summarise your learnings for the course as a whole. Reflect and refine the text as a whole, as besides case work it forms the main component of grading.
Deadline for upload is on Sunday 27.2.!See the detailed composition of your course grade as feedback to your diary entry.