ARK-E551301 - Urban Design Studio, Lecture, 12.1.2022-1.6.2022
This course space end date is set to 01.06.2022 Search Courses: ARK-E551301
Assignment: Introduction
Completion requirements
Due: Wednesday, 12 January 2022, 12:00 PM
DL 12.1.2021 12:00
Tell about yourself, and your relationship with the concepts 'neighborhood' & 'resilience' with three images that have the following titles - there are no right answers - feel free to interpret the titles as you wish!
1. - Me
2. - Neighborhood
3. - Resilience
You will be asked to present the images in a 'pecha-kucha' style session (20 seconds for each image) during the first session of the course in the afternoon.
Submit the images as a 3-page pdf-file (1 page / title) in this folder at 12:00 on the 12th at latest!