ARTX-C1007 - Design Impact III, Lecture, 10.1.2022-3.6.2022
This course space end date is set to 03.06.2022 Search Courses: ARTX-C1007
Final Event Posters
!Submit your files by the end of 23 May (Monday)!
*TARJA'S TUTORIAL : 23 May, Monday 13:00-16:00 at P104. Contact her in advance if you have any question regarding the poster specs. Namkyu will be also there (13:00-15:00) to help with the contents.
!!Printing will be done at PrintLab on 24 May (Tuesday)!!
Be around PrintLab to cut your own posters once they are freshly out of the printer.
As noted earlier, each student needs to submit two posters.
The following is the posters specs of the final event.
BOTH POSTERS should be prepared in:
- Width: 675 mm
- Height: 2400 mm
- No crop or bleed marks
- Resolution: pixel images, PhotoShop etc. preferably 300 dpi
- Use InDesign or Illustrator to work on
- PDF format (high quality print reset)
POSTER 1 should include (from the top to bottom):
- Your professional profile photo;
- Your full name;
- Contact info (email or/and portfolio website);
- Designer’s Statement (max 1 paragraph = 2-4 sentences);
- Keywords (3-5 words, summarizing the statement);
- Aalto University logo (attached);
- The name of the program: Bachelor’s Programme in Design; and
- The course name: ARTX-1007 Design Impact III
POSTER 2: Free format / contents
- Align it with POSTER 1.
- It is to support your designer's statement / keywords.
- Think clever ways to make connections between POSTER 1 (your statement / keywords) and POSTER 2 (your project(s)). For instance, you can use icons, specific colors, etc. to create a visual system of labeling your keywords that are relevant for your projects.
- Properly reference your visual materials (authorship, year, project name, etc.)
*Consider the feedback you received from the internal presentation (13 May).
**Its contents are not to be evaluated. You pass if you submit your materials on time and participate to the final event on 3 June.