
Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


Students gain a topical overview of current scholarly and policy discussions about sustainable entrepreneurship, and learn to analyse the social and ecological sustainability of current business practices. Based on individual learning interests, students are able to engage in real-life sustainability research, consultancy or start-up projects. They learn to identify practical challenges for developing sustainable business solutions, and to present their solutions to different stakeholders, such as entrepreneurs, civic society organizations and policy makers.

Credits: 6

Schedule: 25.02.2019 - 05.04.2019

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Patrick Shulist

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Patrick Shulist

Contact information for the course (valid 31.01.2019-21.12.2112):


Dr. Patrick Shulist (Primary

Lauri Laine, PhD Candidate



Töölö: E1.14 (Arkadia)

Otaniemi: X207

Töölö: E1.18 (Arkadia)

Otaniemi: TBD

Office Hours

By Appointment


CEFR level (applies in this implementation):

Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):

Teaching language: English

Languages of study attainment: English


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    The course focuses on the role of entrepreneurship in the transitioning towards a more socially and ecologically responsible world. The course is based on two core pivots: 1) why entrepreneurship is important for sustainability, 2) how sustainability-oriented entrepreneurship differs from "traditional" entrepreneurship.  To accomplish this, we will explore the entrepreneurial process (e.g. ideation, venture creation, initial market entry, early growth, and late growth) with a focus on how the components of that process change by including sustainability considerations.  Understanding these differences fundamentally necessitates understanding the complexity of sustainability-oriented value propositions, as well as the increased importance of gaining support from other ecosystem actors.

    A unique feature of the course design is the strong emphasis on problem-based learning through a group course project where students get to work on the real-world challenges of start-ups and other entrepreneurship actors. Students are also encouraged to use the course as an opportunity to explore their own start-up ideas.

  • Applies in this implementation:


    The course is designed to provide each student with a more personalized
    learning experience by offering one of three approaches to understanding
    sustainable entrepreneurship. The three profiles are (1) consultant for
    sustainable venturing, (2) sustainable entrepreneurship researcher, and (3)
    sustainability-oriented entrepreneur. These profiles will be the primary means
    through which students apply their knowledge outside of the classroom.

    Note: Students need to decide or will be
    assigned to one actor profile at the latest by the end of Session 2 (26.02.2019).

    A. Sustainability-oriented entrepreneur – A
    private enterprise view

    By choosing the entrepreneur profile, student groups will either (a)
    work on a group member’s already existing venture, or on a venture idea, or (b)
    FIND and work with an existing start-up to develop that venture.  In the first option, the group member’s
    venture can be at any stage, and can have either a for-profit or non-profit
    approach.  In the second option, students
    are responsible for finding the start-up with which they would like to work for
    the duration of the course. In either option, it is critical that the venture
    either currently has a sustainability focus or is looking to head in that
    direction.  Sustainability cannot be a tangential
    aspect.  Importantly, in both cases, the primary instructor must agree that the
    proposed venture is suitable for the content of this course.
    This should
    not be a problem, but it is best to identify potential problems as early as

    Mentoring/coaching will be assigned for the teams depending on the focus
    of the venture.

    The essential focus of this track is developing a viable enterprise
    incorporating sustainability. Deliverables will therefore focus on analyzing
    and evaluating different models for incorporating sustainability into the
    venture.  Key to this is ensuring there
    is a viable value proposition for the venture. 
    With that said however, it is also understood that developing a venture
    takes time, so assessing deliverables will focus on the quality of analysis and
    the process the team took. You needn’t have a perfect, or even anywhere near
    perfect, idea. We want to see that there is progress on the idea, a
    consideration of course materials, and well-grounded analysis. Results will be
    shared with course participants and interested stakeholders on the Sustainable
    Entrepreneurship Day.

    B. Consultant for sustainable venturing – A view
    through the public sector or NGOs

    By choosing the consultant profile, student groups will act as
    consultants for the City of Helsinki, or for The Shortcut. Sustainable
    Entrepreneurship is critical to many of Helsinki’s goals, whether that be
    integrating new immigrants, developing a circular economy for the purpose of
    reducing plastic pollution in water, nurturing the nascent sustainable tourism
    industry, using procurement contracts as a way of inducing social goals into
    SMEs, or foster clean technology. Specifics of these projects (and others) will
    be introduced during the first class. Mentoring/coaching for this track will be
    undertaken by members of the City of Helsinki.

    The Shortcut, a volunteer-based start-up ecosystem, helps people
    discover and nurture their talents and aspirations to create or work for high
    growth companies. The mission is to inspire and empower people from diverse
    backgrounds to take an active role in (re)building their future, using
    technology and entrepreneurship.  The
    Shortcut is a non-profit sister organisation to SLUSH and Startup Sauna. Students
    interested in working with The Shortcut will focus on organizing a novel event
    Impact & Sustainability Sprint
    – and evaluating how the event can be made better in subsequent years.
    The Shortcut has a team focused on this event, and you will work closely with
    them.  You will find that organizing the
    event itself is an entrepreneurial undertaking. Moreover, you will learn more
    about entrepreneurship through the content of the event.  Mentoring/coaching will be provided by The

    Critically, given that this event
    takes place on March 18-23rd, students interested in this project are
    encouraged to contact the primary instructor at least one or two weeks ahead of
    the start date of the course.

    Moreover, students are also encouraged to volunteer with The Shortcut after the
    actual event.

    Overall, the focus of the consultant profile is to collect reliable information for addressing the challenges identified
    by Helsinki or The Shortcut,
    and writing up the main insights in form of a short consulting report. The
    consultancy report has to include topics introduced in the course, such as the
    evaluation of the sustainability opportunity, the market, cultural and legal
    environment for starting a business, and the required practical steps for
    implementation. The theoretical knowledge for conducting this assignment will
    be provided in-class. The results will be shared and discussed with course
    participants and interested stakeholders on the Sustainable Entrepreneurship

    C. Sustainable entrepreneurship researcher – An
    Academic View of Entrepreneurship in Africa

    Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), as
    there are very few other avenues for economic and social development. Because
    of this, fostering ANY type of entrepreneurship in SSA helps improve
    socioeconomic standings in direct and indirect ways; i.e. commercially focused
    entrepreneurship IS a form of sustainable entrepreneurship.  Directly, greater economic engagement allows
    access to healthcare, sufficient food, schooling for one’s children, and
    effective housing, amongst other things. Indirectly, economic progression is
    tied to better gender equity, less corruption, less conflict, and greater
    adherence to democratic norms. 

    Unsurprisingly then, many international organizations try to facilitate
    entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa. This has traditionally been through
    microfinance, though more recently entrepreneur training programs have been
    growing in scale. In this project you
    will focus on the entrepreneur training programs.
    Importantly, many of
    these programs fail to actually foster entrepreneurship in the intended manner,
    mainly because they do not appreciate how different entrepreneurship in SSA is
    from that of the developed world. For instance, the world’s largest
    entrepreneur training program is the International Labour Organization’s (ILO)
    Start and Improve Your Business
    (SIYB)programThis program has its roots in a program
    developed in Sweden in the 1970s, and with VERY few exceptions, the social and institutional
    makeup typical of SSA is vastly different from that of Sweden in the 1970s, or
    at any time since; notably, entrepreneurship is an intensely social undertaking
    in SSA, with elements normally provided by formal institutions in Sweden
    instead running through social networks and social norms. Despite this, the ILO’s
    SIYB has een little modified from the original foundations of the Swedish

    With this in mind, there area two key components to the researcher track.
    First, students will develop an understanding of the nature of entrepreneurship
    in SSA.  This will be done through a set
    of already transcribed interviews that Patrick has conducted of Ghanaian
    microentrepreneurs. There are many different elements on which one might focus.
    These interviews will be examined through a qualitative methodology.  Patrick will work with you to understand
    qualitative analytical techniques, and to analyze the interviews. Second,
    students will use this understanding to contrast the nature of
    microentrepreneurship in SSA with the focus of the ILO’s SIYB. The goal will be
    to provide recommendations on how the program may be improved. Through both of
    these steps, students will follow the basic structure of an academic paper:
    introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, and
    conclusion.  You are expected to
    formulate a research question, develop a theoretical frame, analyse the data,
    and form brief conclusions.

    The key deliverable for this track will follow the standard formatting
    of an academic paper, or master’s thesis. 
    Moreover, if there is interest, there is the opportunity to extend this
    work into one’s master’s thesis work.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Group project (45%)
    Individual assignments (55%)

  • Applies in this implementation:



    of Final Grade


    Final Presentation on
    Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day


    Wednesday, April 3rd

    Group report


    Friday, April 12th, 23:59:59

           Interim Date: Status
    Report I

    (10% penalty if incomplete)

    Sunday, March 12th, 12:00

           Interim Date: Status
    Report II

    (10% penalty if

    Sunday, March 26th, 12:00

    Individual Essay


    Friday, April 12th, 23:59:59


    A. Deliverables

    The following are but brief overviews of the deliverable. Details will
    be distributed in class.

    1. Group report - 50%

    Due Date: April 12th,
    by 23:59:59

                The specific nature of this report
    will vary depending on which track you choose, but in general it’s purpose is
    to communicate a condensed version of the findings from your group work.  For the practitioner track this will
    emphasize the venture development process you have gone through, how sustainability
    matters for this venture, and the proposed plans for taking it forward. For the
    consultant track, the report will emphasize the problem/situation/opportunity,
    background information on it, options for how to proceed, and recommendations.
    For the researcher track, the report will be in standard academic format:
    introduction, literature review, methods, findings, discussion, and conclusion.

                This is a group report, and as such
    there are high expectations for what is delivered, as there are 75 hours of
    class time per person allocated to this task. 
    In addition, it is expected that all group members contribute equally to
    this project.  If any deviation from this
    arises or seems likely to arise, then concerned group members are encouraged to
    contact Patrick as early as possible.  Depending
    on the situation and based on the instructors’ discretion, members’ grades for
    group work (i.e. report and presentation) may be adjusted away from everyone
    receiving the same grade.  It is hopeful
    that this will not bee needed.

                Moreover, you are working with
    real-world partners, and thus we must also ensure that what is produced is of
    value for them.  We do not simply want to
    take their time, but rather to provide something for them.

    2. Final Presentation - 20%

    Presentation date: April 3rd, as
    part of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day

                The final presentations will happen
    as part of sustainable entrepreneurship day. 
    It is not mandatory for all group members to speak during the
    presentation, but it is mandatory for all to be present and to be ready to
    answer questions.  A substantial part of
    the grade for this deliverable will be based on how good the presentation is;
    i.e. is it engaging, and does it tell a good story given the time
    constraints.  Content will be important
    here as well, but the depth of your work will be more thoroughly assessed as
    part of the group report.

    3. Individual Essay Assignment - 30%

    Due Date: April 12th,
    by 23:59:59

                In this deliverable, you will write
    an essay on one of the topics covered in the course. The essay is different
    from most academic work, in that it presents a uniquely normative
    epistemological position; we want you to discuss your personal views and
    opinions. There are three options for how to complete this:

    1.     Embrace an idea from class and use it as a starting point for further
    development; e.g. discuss how the role of the public sector in promoting
    sustainable entrepreneurship may be enhanced.

    2.     An idea presented in class is critically challenged, perhaps even
    refuted; e.g. the public sector has no role in facilitating sustainable

    3.     Combine options 1
    and 2; e.g. there are some cases where the public sector can play a generative
    role, but this role should be limited and the private sector needs to be emphasize.

    In general, consider
    this essay assignment as a tool for reflection that should support your own
    learning journey (e.g. for approaching Master’s thesis theme).

    A. Standard Assignment formatting

    We will use the
    standard formatting for the Academy of Management’s Journal:
    The only modification we will make is to use A4 paper.  Be sure to follow the complete set of
    formatting but pay special attention to:

    ·       Double-Spaced

    ·       Times New Roman 12pt font.

    ·       2.54cm margin

    For more in-depth
    information about standard formatting from a linguistic standpoint, please see
    the standard widely used at Aalto: Style
    Guide 2016_Aalto_BScBA Mikkeli.pdf

    B. Group Formation

    For group assignments, group formation is left
    up to students.  We recommend pursuing
    diversity in the group, as this will bring different view points into your
    discussions, learning, and submitted assignments.  We reserve the right to modify groups to especially
    ensure there exist a mix of disciplinary foci. You will use the same group for
    all group components.

    Group size parameters will be communicated after
    enrollment is finalized. 

    All group members are expected to contribute
    equally to group assignments. In the case of group members who do not follow
    this directive, we reserve the right to reduce your assignment grades, at our

    C. Grading Policy

    You are expected to submit all assignments (group and individual ones)
    on time and before the respective deadline. If you do not submit any assignment
    on time, your grade for that assignment will be reduced by 25% for each passing
    day. For instance, if your submission is up to 1 day late (i.e. anything
    between one minute to one day), you can get a maximum of 75% of the grade of
    the assignment, up to two days a maximum of 50%, up to three days a maximum of
    25%. You will no longer have an option to submit after three days have passed.

                If you miss a presentation without a
    valid reason, you will receive a zero (0) for that portion of your grade.  A valid reason must be communicated at least 72
    hours ahead of time to the primary instructor, as well as to all of your group
    members.  If you have a valid reason for
    missing the presentation, you will be able to complete a make-up assignment
    organized by the instructors, which will mirror the deliverables of the
    original presentation.


    D. Grading Scale

    Final grades will be on a scale from 0-5. Final grades will be
    calculated from the results of the above listed assignments and allocated as
    per the below table.

    Final Grade

    Overall Percentage













  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    24 h contact hours
    136 h independent work

  • Applies in this implementation:



    preparation (pre-readings for lectures)


    (group work)


    Assignments (individual)


    Sustainable Entrepreneurship


    Additional time allocated to
    students’ learning leads



    160h (6 ECTS)


Study Material
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    A variety of articles on sustainability entrepreneurship. More detailed instructions will be provided in the course syllabus.

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    None. Content will be tailored to students with different levels of experience in entrepreneurship. This will be done primarily by offering optional sessions at the start of class that cover some of the "basic" background materials.  Students with experience in entrepreneurship, will be able to earn extra credit by facilitating these optional sessions. In general though, the instructors will deliver and facilitate most material.

Registration for Courses
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Registration via WedOodi ends 7 days before the period starts.

  • Applies in this implementation:


    Attending five out of seven (5/7) sustainable entrepreneurship sessions is
    obligatory, or you will not get a grade on final report, making it exceedingly
    difficult to pass the course.


    Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Thereof:


    Registration to course: via Weboodi, closes one week before the start of
    the course.

    Retrieving Course Materials: all materials available through MyCourses

    Group feedback will be provided as assignments are returned.

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

    1 No Poverty

    4 Quality Education

    7 Affordable and Clean Energy

    8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

    9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

    13 Climate Action


Further Information
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    The course is open to all Aalto students. Priority is given to students in (1) MSc Entrepreneurship, (2) MSc Creative Sustainability, (3) CEMS, and (4) other Aalto BIZ Masters programmes. Students can further develop their venture ideas initiated in other Aalto courses, such as 25E50000 Venture ideation or 21E10000 How to change the world.



  • Applies in this implementation:


    Attending five out of seven (5/7) sustainable entrepreneurship sessions is
    obligatory, or you will not get a grade on final report, making it exceedingly
    difficult to pass the course.


    Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Thereof:


    Registration to course: via Weboodi, closes one week before the start of
    the course.

    Retrieving Course Materials: all materials available through MyCourses

    Group feedback will be provided as assignments are returned.

Details on the schedule
  • Applies in this implementation:

    All classroom session run from 13:15-16:00 on
    the noted date. They may be split up between topics though,.

    The required readings/materials (noted in the
    next sub-section) are due before every class.

    1. Sustainable Entrepreneurship Topics – Must
    attend 5/7 to get a grade on final project



    Start Time



    Mon, 25 Feb.


    Towards a sustainable future: what entrepreneurship
    means within the context of sustainable development.

    Overview of course, presentation of “tracks” and


    Tue, 26 Feb.


    The classic entrepreneurial approach to sustainability. For profit, and
    not for profit approaches will be taken.


    Mon, 04 Mar.


    Corporate intrapreneurship and sustainability


    Tue, 05 Mar.


    Using public policy to achieve sustainability through entrepreneurship.

    Guest speakers from the City of Helsinki


    Mon, 11 Mar.


    Culture and Communities


    Tue, 12 Mar.


    Free Innovation, Finance and Alternative Economies

    Guest speaker: Ville Luukkanen


    Tue, 26 Mar.


    Project Check-ins. Schedule a timeslot.

    Optional Session: Monday, April 1st,
    13:15-14:45, place TBD. For help with final preparation of projects and

    Final Session: Wednesday, April 3rd
    10:00-17:00 at the Design Factory as part of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day

    General Entrepreneurship Topics – Optional



    Core Entrepreneurship Topic
    (13:15-13:50) - Optional


    Mon, 25 Feb.


    None – full class is devoted to Sustainable


    Tue, 26 Feb.

    What is entrepreneurship, and how do we do it? – What
    is the basic goal, what is the basic process, what does the growth process
    look like?


    Mon, 04 Mar.


    Making an idea work: aligning the value
    proposition with a market segment.


    Tue, 05 Mar.

    Entrepreneurial finance


    Mon, 11 Mar.


    None – full class is devoted to Sustainable


    Tue, 12 Mar.



    Tue, 26 Mar.

    None – full class is devoted to Sustainable

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