TU-E4100 - Startup Experience D, 12.01.2021-15.04.2021
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 15.04.2021 Etsi kursseja: TU-E4100
Sprint Assignment 14: Press Release Final Draft (18.04.2021)
The final press release will be based on what Ian McAllister, Director of Amazon, has written as instructions for product development and product management approach.
"There is an approach called "working backwards" that is widely used at Amazon. We try to work backwards from the customer, rather than starting with an idea for a product and trying to bolt customers onto it. While working backwards can be applied to any specific product decision, using this approach is especially important when developing new products or features.
For new initiatives, a product manager typically starts by writing an internal press release announcing the finished product. The target audience for the press release is the new/updated product's customers, which can be retail customers or internal users of a tool or technology. Internal press releases are centred around the customer problem, how current solutions (internal or external) fail, and how the new product will blow away existing solutions.
If the benefits listed don't sound very interesting or exciting to customers, then perhaps they're not (and shouldn't be built). Instead, the product manager should keep iterating on the press release until they've come up with benefits that actually sound like benefits. Iterating on a press release is a lot less expensive than iterating on the product itself (and quicker!)."
An outline for the press release should contain the following:
A press release should be one page and a half max. If it's more than that it's too long. Keep it simple and cut out the fat. 3-4 sentences max per paragraphs.