Sustainability in teaching, Autumn 2022
Assignment 4
Sustainability in Teaching, spring 2022 / Assignment 4 / to be submitted in MyCourses no later than Tue 8.11. noon.
General instructions applicable for all written assignments are provided separately
Assignment 4: This assignment consists of two sub-tasks. Write your assignment either on Task 1A OR Task 1B and submit it in this submission box. Submit your Task 2 (one-slider) in MyCourses Discussion Forum.
Task 1A
Describe one teaching method / learning activity aiming at advancing learning of sustainability competencies or sustainability related content that you have (successfully) used in your teaching before. Be as precise as possible.
Explicate e.g.
a) what was the overall aim of the activity?
b) in what ways did the activity contribute to students’ understanding of sustainability?
- do you recognize areas that the activity did not cover (regarding sustainability dimensions and key competencies)?
- You can use the following as guiding points, if
- did it provide factual knowledge of sustainability / discipline / something else? (Knowing)
- did it develop students’ methodological abilities? (Doing)
- did the method support students’ personal development and understanding of own / field’s role in contributing to sustainability? (Being)
c) how was it concretely implemented (f2f, online, timing, instructions, equipment,…)?
Reflect on it, e.g.
- how could/would you develop it further (you can also think about feedback and evaluation)
- for what kind of situations could you recommend this exercise
- are there any critical points, etc.
Task 1B
Based on the previous session, draft one learning activity for sustainability integration (sustainability competencies or sustainability related content) for your own course. Be as precise as possible.
a) what is the overall aim of the activity?
b) in what ways does the activity contribute to students’ understanding of sustainability?
- do you recognize areas that the activity does not cover (regarding sustainability dimensions and key competencies)?
- You can use the following as guiding points, if
- does it provide factual knowledge of sustainability / discipline / something else? (Knowing)
- does it develop students’ methodological abilities? (Doing)
- does the activity support students’ personal development and understanding of own / field’s role in contributing to sustainability? (Being)
c) how is it concretely implemented (f2f, online, timing, instructions, equipment,…)?
Task 2
Apart from your individual submission (1A or 1B), summarize the description of your learning activity into one .ppt-slide, which you share in the MyCourses Discussion forum. Make sure someone from “outside” understands your learning activity. The submissions in the Discussion Forum are visible for everyone. Comment / ask a question concerning the posted one-slider of at least one peer.