PHYS-EV0001 - Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics, Lecture, 9.1.2023-6.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 06.04.2023 Search Courses: PHYS-EV0001
Week 1 prelecture assignment
Krav för slutförande
Öppnades: måndag, 2 januari 2023, 00:00
Senaste inlämningsdatum: måndag, 9 januari 2023, 14:15
The prelecture assignments in our course involve mainly PBS Space Time videos that describe quantum field theory topics in high energy physics. In the lectures we will discuss analogous topics in condensed matter physics. Prelecture assignment answers can be very short, but we are also more than happy to read and answer if you have any comments or questions.
For this first prelecture assignment, please watch the PBS Space Time video on Dirac equation (11 minutes). Many of these videos contain also some extra material, such as journal club video etc. at the end of the video. You can skip those.
Even if you haven't met Dirac's equation before, this video certainly had lot of familiar stuff such as Pauli exclusion principle, spin and spinor wavefunctions, positrons and other antimatter particles. Were you familiar with Dirac's equation and the concept of Dirac sea? How about Fermi sea in condensed matter physics? Do you have any questions?