21L25000 - Getting started, Lecture, 14.9.2022-14.12.2022
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Pre-assignment for Session 4
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Senaste inlämningsdatum: måndag, 12 december 2022, 23:59
Submit an essay (as PDF, 1500-2000 words) based on your reflections of published quantitative research by 12 December 2022. Also, based on your essay, prepare a 5–10-minute presentation for Session 4 (14 December).
To do so, select two quantitative empirical studies that are of interest to you. Specifically, select one article published in the Academy of Management Journal and one article published in different journal on the FT-50 journal list. Send an email to Ewald (ewald.kibler@aalto.fi) by Monday, 21 November, where you provide and confirm the references of the two articles.Do not repeat the article texts in your paper but try to formulate a more general understanding and critical reflection of the research, for instance by addressing the following issues for each article:
- Why did you select these papers? Why do you find them appealing?
- How is the paper positioned theoretically (the conceptual frontend)?
- How are the hypotheses (and the theoretical models) developed?
- What are the data like, and which method has been used to test the hypotheses/model (or explore the data, if the paper is more of explorative nature)?
- How are the findings presented and discussed?
- What kind of contributions does it make to what literatures or conversations, and how?
- What did you learn in terms how to write a quantitative research paper?
- What are the main differences (along the themes above) between the articles?
- What was difficult or unclear? Any other observations, insights or questions evoked by this inquiry regarding the process doctoral studies and writing the dissertation?