Date Description Status Points Remarks
Wed 15 Mar 2023 10:15AM - 12PM

Prof. Tinus Stander, University of Pretoria, South Africa: "3D printed dielectrics in
microwave and mm-wave design: past, present and future"

This is an in-class event.

Present 2 / 2 Self-recorded
Wed 14 Sep 2022 10:15AM - 12PM

Jussi Rahola, Jaakko Juntunen and Olli Pekonen from Optenni Ltd presents new features in OptenniLab software. OptenniLab is a software tool for antenna design and analysis. This is an in-class session.

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Wed 21 Sep 2022 10:15AM - 11AM

In-class session: Vessen Vassilev, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden: Polarimetric
methods for road surface characterization

Abstract: Polarimetric
parameters such as entropy and polarimetric pedestal (depolarization) have been
developed in the past for surface classification of SAR images. We apply the
polarimetric parameters for measuring the friction properties of a road
surface. Entropy and depolarization happen to be a reliable measure of weather
the surface is dry, wet, or covered with a thin layer of ice. We conducted
laboratory measurements using a VNA at W band to demonstrate the potential of
the method. We also developed a polarimetric radar based on TI automotive radar
platform covering 77-81 GHz. We conducted field measurements of various
surfaces and will present the results.

 In parallel
we work on a passive method, where we generate an emissivity plot at two
orthogonal polarizations. Dry, wet and icy surfaces occupy different regions in
the emissivity plot and thus we can distinguish the properties of the surfaces.
For this we developed a polarimetric radiometer, which measures the temperature
of the surface at a certain oblique angle in an outdoor environment. To relate
measured temperatures to emissivity additional information about the surface is
needed, as for example its roughness. For this reason, we implemented frequency
resolution and thus can potentially extract the surface roughness.  We will
present results from observations.

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Wed 28 Sep 2022 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 5 Oct 2022 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Fri 7 Oct 2022 12PM - 1PM

Dr. Kim Östman from Nordic Semiconductor wil give a talk about Cellular
IoT solutions.  Physical location Maarintie 8, 2171a AVP Space Moose Lounge Zoom

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Wed 12 Oct 2022 10:15AM - 11:15AM

Sergei Tretyakov: Electromagnetic phenomena in time-modulated metasurfaces

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Wed 12 Oct 2022 11:20AM - 11:50AM

Thesis Presentation by Bruce Clayhills

Topic: Design of a Transceiver Frontend for the Foresail-2 Small Satellite

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Wed 19 Oct 2022 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 26 Oct 2022 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 2 Nov 2022 10:15AM - 12PM

Lecture slides

On-line Guest presentation by prof. Azremi Bin Abdullah Al-Hadi: Antenna Research in Universiti Malaysia Perlis,

This talk briefly overviews the research and development
(R&D) of antennas in Universiti Malaysia Perlis. The R&D activities in
the area of wearable antenna, reconfigurable antenna, antenna for mobile
terminal, bioelectromagnetics for different kind of applications are briefly
explained based on the projects granted to researchers in the Advanced
Communication Engineering Center of Excellence (ACE CoE).

This is an on-line talk.



Join link

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Wed 9 Nov 2022 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 16 Nov 2022 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Fri 18 Nov 2022 10:15AM - 11:15AM

Professor Mats Gustafsson, Lund University, Sweden: Degrees
of Freedom and Characteristic Modes

Place: AS1 (in-class event)

diversity, such as multiple beams, is frequently used in modern communication
systems. The number of such beams is related to the spatial degrees of freedom.
In this presentation, a scattering-based formulation of characteristic mode
analysis is used to determine the degrees of freedom of arbitrary-shaped
objects. It is shown that the average shadow area of an object can be used to
estimate the number of dominating characteristic modes for that object.

formulations for characteristic modes are presented, resembling the original
proposal by Garbacz. Formulations of characteristic modes as scattering
problems are independent of the associated computational tools. This enables
frequency-domain solvers such as the FEM and time-domain solvers such as FDTD
to complement classical MoM-based formulations in characteristic mode analysis.
An iterative algorithm is introduced to construct transition matrices and
scattering dyadic, effectively reducing the computational complexity to
approximately one CM per full-wave solution. Moreover, it is shown that the
scattering approach can be linked to the degrees of freedom for an object to
the geometry of the object.

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Wed 23 Nov 2022 10:15AM - 12PM

MSc thesis presentation by Jarno Mustonen: Design of wide-band GNSS antenna

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Wed 30 Nov 2022 10:15AM - 12PM

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Wed 7 Dec 2022 10:15AM - 12PM

Professor Ari Sihvola: 19th
century electric and magnetic experiments leading to radio science and

This is an in-class event only.

Abstract: The
research, education, and other activities of our ELE Department rest on the
foundations of electromagnetics, radio science, electronics and modern micro-
and nanotechnology. From where has all the know-what and know-how of electric
and magnetic phenomena emerged? How has mankind become aware of
electromagnetism, how have we learned to exploit this understanding, to good
and bad purposes? In this presentation, I focus on the main discoveries of the
19th century in this field, discussing the historical developments
and demonstrating fundamental electric and magnetic effects.

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Wed 14 Dec 2022 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 21 Dec 2022 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 28 Dec 2022 10:15AM - 12PM

MSc thesis presentation by Lauri Alonen: Koaksiaalisen kollineaariantennin suunnittelu ja
toteutus (in Finnish)

The presentation is on-line

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Wed 4 Jan 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 11 Jan 2023 10:15AM - 12PM

MSc theses presentations by

Mohamed Räsänen: Design and Analysis of a High Gain and Wide Band Phased Array Antenna for V-Band

Stefan Andersson: Feasibility Study on Additive Manufacturing of Dielectrics in Antenna Structures

Aleksandr Kuznetsov: Modelling of Coupled Multi-antenna Backscattering System

This is an in-class session

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Wed 18 Jan 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 25 Jan 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 1 Feb 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 8 Feb 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 15 Feb 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 22 Feb 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 1 Mar 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 8 Mar 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 22 Mar 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 29 Mar 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Fri 31 Mar 2023 1PM - 1:30PM

Kimi Jokiniemi will give his Master's Thesis presentation on Friday 31.3. at 13:00 in lecture room Maarintie 8, 1023-1024 AS4.

Zoom session is available as well:

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Wed 5 Apr 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 12 Apr 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 19 Apr 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 26 Apr 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 3 May 2023 10:15AM - 12PM

M.Sc. thesis presentation by Sakari Sarkkinen: "Imaging at 94 GHz for aircraft
landing scenarios".

This is an in-class event

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Wed 10 May 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 17 May 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 24 May 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Wed 31 May 2023 10:15AM - 12PM
Regular class session
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Thu 1 Jun 2023 12PM - 2PM

Markku Jämsä, Aspocomp: PCB manufacturing technology

Place: TU2

Note: The  talk is in English

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Taken sessions: 1
Points over taken sessions: 2 / 2
Percentage over taken sessions: 100.0%
Total number of sessions: 43
Points over all sessions: 2 / 86
Percentage over all sessions: 2.3%
Maximum possible points: 86 / 86
Maximum possible percentage: 100.0%