CHEM-E4106 - Electrochemistry D, Lecture, 9.1.2023-21.2.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 21.04.2023 Etsi kursseja: CHEM-E4106
8. Impedance technique
8.2. Graphical representations of impedance
Impedance is a complex quantity, so one
numerical value is not enough to describe it. There are many ways to represent
impedance data [1], but
the most common ones are Bode and Nyquist plots. A Bode plot, which is most commonly used in control systems and electrical engineering, shows the magnitude of
impedance and the phase angle as a function of logarithm of frequency. The magnitude is commonly expressed in decibels, i.e. 20log|Z|. The phase angle has little relevance in control
systems and electrical engineering.
Electrochemists prefer the a Nyquist plot
or impedance plot, in which the real part of impedance Z’ is on the horizontal axis and the opposite number of the
imaginary part -Z” is on the vertical axis at
each frequency. This is because the imaginary part is usually negative.
Frequency is not displayed explicitly in the Nyquist plot.
Figure 8.9. Nyquist (impedance) plot of Randles circuit.
Figure 8.10. Bode plot of Randles circuit. Blue is the magnitude and pink is the phase angle.
The Nyquist and Bode plots of Randles circuit, one of the essential equivalent circuits describing electrochemical systems, is shown in Figures 8.9 and 8.10. For the authors of this book at least, the former is more informative because the ohmic resistance and charge transfer resistance, in other words the rate of charge transfer process, can be seen immediately. Bode plots are monotonically decreasing curves, in which the information is hidden in the negative slope and the points of inflection where the slope changes. In control systems engineering, the so called poles are of great interest, and this information can be obtained from the point of inflection. In this book, we will use almost exclusively Nyquist plots because of their clarity. Sometimes, however, it is more beneficial to show an admittance plot where the real part of admittance is on the horizontal axis and the imaginary part on the vertical axis.
[1] See for example impedance analysis program ‘Equivalent Circuit’ by Bernard A. Boukamp, which has been integrated as a part of the control and analysis program Autolab.