SCI-A1010 - Introduction Course for Bachelor's students, Lecture, 16.9.2021-29.4.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 29.04.2022 Etsi kursseja: SCI-A1010
Suorituksen vaatimukset
Let's start with some theory!
4. Monitor your use of time
Monitor your use of time
Tips for the future:
- For a few weeks write down what you actually did during that time and how much of it was used for studying. You might find out that you did not, in fact, put so much time into studying as you thought.
- Evaluate your success: how well did you actually keep to your plans? Where were you successful? Where did you waste time? Are there ‘time bandits’ – things that take up considerably more time than you realised? What was challenging? Was your plan realistic and doable? If you deviated from your goals, did you do it consciously or inadvertently? What should be changed? What things took place differently than you expected? Was your plan too detailed? Did you pack too much into it?
- Students who monitor their use of time for four weeks during their first year of studies tend to get through their studies at a faster-than-average rate.
You can now get started with
the actual scheduling (go back to section 2 to see the exercise).