MNGT-E2001 - Doing Business in Emerging Markets, Lecture, 24.10.2023-30.11.2023
This course space end date is set to 30.11.2023 Search Courses: MNGT-E2001
Session 8: Marketing Mix and Digital Marketing in China (21 November 2023)
On Tuesday 21.11 we will talk about the specifics of digital marketing in China. We will have an in-class live case of "Marketing AaltoBiz (in China)", in which you will be divided into groups and come up with rough plans on how to promote AaltoBiz degree programs in the Chinese market. There is no need to come up with a very detailed plan to present nor to summarize what AaltoBiz has already been doing in China and simply repeat. The focus will be on the new and creative ideas you may have on how this can be done better or differently.
Please consider the following questions when going through the readings:
1) What do you think would be the
BEST selling point, or key marketing message, that AaltoBiz should use in order
to succeed in "standing out" among competitors in the Chinese market?
2) Who would be the target audiences
in your marketing plan?
3) Based on the introduction from
the given reading material, what marketing channels you would choose for
AaltoBiz to work on?
4) The next application season is coming very soon, if you have a total of 30,000 EUR to invest in marketing in China for AaltoBiz this year, how will you roughly arrange/allocate such a budget? And in case you have enough time to arrange the budget spending (for example from summer time already), what would be the overall timeline of spending the whole 30K accordingly?