Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to ISM's Summer 2023 BSc Thesis and Seminar course!

    Welcome to the ISM Bachelor's thesis seminars of Summer 2023! The supervisors are Johanna Bragge, Riitta Hekkala and Virpi Tuunainen from the Information Systems Science faculty. In summer seminars we don't have supervisors from each three disciplines of ISM, but from one discipline yearly (in 2022 supervisors were from Logistics and in 2021 from Management Science/Business Analytics). The course started on May 8 with self-studying & reflecting on the thesis tutorial videos at the first study week, and watching an introductory lecture at the second study week, and continuing with the rest of the tutorial videos aftet that. An online meeting during the early summer was held on June 6, and the rest of the seminar sessions are scheduled between August 8 - 25 (days vary between groups). The deadline for submitting the Bachelor's thesis is August 28, 2023. See the detailed syllabus below for the rest of the programme and tasks during the course.

    • Tiedosto icon

      Please see the detailed syllabus for ISM's summer Bachelor's thesis and seminar course (UPDATED 8.5.2023 regarding 17.5. session -> recording used)

    • Valinta icon

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