Topic outline

  • Welcome to the course!

    This course is based on self-learning and group work, and we only have three mandatory meetings. Hence you are expected to study the course readings and work on the assignments in your own time. Also make sure that you are able to come to class at the given times.

    As described in Sisu, the course has as prerequisites either 61A00200 Business communication skills or MNGT-A4004 Mastering influence in business communication, so you should have completed one of these courses before taking this one.

    If you have any questions related to the course that are not covered on this site and the syllabus below, you can reach me (the teacher) via email at 

    Weekly schedule and course outline

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Group choice icon
      Select your group here Group choice
    • Assignment icon

      Submit your group contract here, decribing how you, as a group, are going to e.g.

      • Set objectives
      • Work as a group and participate
      • Communicate and meet
      • Resolve potential conflicts