ELEC-E3510 - Basics of IC Design, Lecture, 9.1.2024-16.2.2024
This course space end date is set to 16.02.2024 Search Courses: ELEC-E3510
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Topic outline
Basic information about content, assessment criteria, et cetera:
Course in SISU
- Prof. Kari Halonen
Omar Numan (CAD TA) [omar.numan@aalto.fi]
Gaurav Singh (CAD TA) [gaurav.singh@aalto.fi]
Wang Zhenhan (CAD TA) [zhenhan.wang@aalto.fi]
Tanweer Muhammad (Paper exercises TA) [muhammad.tanweer@aalto.fi]
Kazybek Adam (Paper exercises TA) [kazybek.adam@aalto.fi]
Course books:
D. Johns, K. Martin: Analog Integrated Circuit Design
P. Allen, D. Holberg: CMOS Analog Circuit Design (available online through primo.aalto.fi)
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