PHYS-E0436 - Modern Optics V D, 05.03.2021-03.06.2021
This course space end date is set to 03.06.2021 Search Courses: PHYS-E0436
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Topic outline
This postgraduate course covers the topics of the book Fundamentals of Photonics, B.E.A. Saleh and M.C. Teich, 2 ed. (John Wiley & Sons) concerning Optical Information Processing:
• Beam optics• Fourier optics• Guided-wave optics• Acousto-optics• Electro-optics• Ultrafast optics• Interconnects and switchesEach week, the attendants (1) participate in a one-hour lecture given by the teacher and a one-hour exercise session, (2) read 20-30 pages of the book and solve 4 related exercises at home, (3) explain 2 exercise solutions per student in the classroom, and (4) evaluate the given presentations. At the end of the course, the attendants pass the exam. A detailed schedule is attached. The lectures and exercises sessions are to be held in Zoom.
Schedule File PDF