MEC-E8001 - Finite Element Analysis D, Lecture, 11.1.2022-23.2.2022
This course space end date is set to 23.02.2022 Search Courses: MEC-E8001
Topic outline
Responsible teacher: Jouni Freund (JF)
Teacher: Markku Malmivuori (MM)
Lectures of the online course use Zoom:
Assignments of the course are published and returned through MyCourses. Be prepared to use Microsoft Word with Mathtype equation editor and a tool for pdf-conversion:
FEM solver of the course requires Mathematica software to work. Download Mathematica in good time (it may take a few days to get the license)
Lectures on Tue (14:15-15:30) and Wed (14:15-15:30) are based on the lecture notes available in the homepage on Fri of the previous week. Lectures of weeks 2-7 are followed by lecture assignments to be returned during the same day.
Exercise session on Thu (12:15-14:00) is used for calculation examples by hand and FE-code of the course. The problems discussed in detail are taken from the weekly solved example problems available in the homepage.
Calculation hours on Tue (16:15-17:00) and Wed (16:15-17:00) are informal meetings for instructions, discussion, and questions about the lecture assignments and that of Thu (16:15-18:00) about the weekly home assignments.
Lecture notes (weeks 2-7) are published in the home page on Fri of the previous week. The notes for the Tue and Wed lectures contain the theory and examples related with the weekly topic.
Modelling assignment (week 2) is published in the home page on Fri of week 1 and should be returned through the homepage before Sun 23:55 of week 2.
Exercise problems (weeks 3-7) are published in the home page on Fri of the previous week. Exercise problems contain answers and full solutions. Some of the solutions are explained in detail during the Exercise session on Thu and Calculation hours on Fri.
Lecture assignments (weeks 3-7) are published in the home page on Fri of the previous week. and should be returned during the lecturing days Tue and Wed 23:55 at the latest.
Home assignments (weeks 3-7) are published in the homepage on Fri of the previous week and should be returned through the homepage before Sun 23:55 of the next week. Some of the problems are structured and contain templates to be completed, some are non-structured to be solved from scratch.
All assignments are published in doc and pdf versions. With the doc version, you may use MathType equation editor to fill the missing parts of a structured assignment or write the full solution to a non-structured assignment. Also handwriting is possible. Return of the solution through MyCourses should be pdf in type.
Solutions to the modelling assignment, home assignments, and lecture assignments are graded so that the maximal points correspond to one correctly solved exam problem in the final grading of the course. Participation in the final exam is possible only if the points from the graded assignments exceed half of the maximal points.
Onsite exam (in Otaniemi campus) consist of five (5) problems chosen from the set of solved example problems of the course material. In the controlled exam, you may use only the formulae collection of the course. The time for the exam is 4h.
Online exam consist of four (4) problems published and returned through MyCourses in the same manner as the assignments of the course. The problems are not as “technical” ones as those of the controlled exam but they might require also a bit modelling. The time for the exam is 4h. In the remote exam, you may use any material. However, you are supposed to solve the problems by yourself.
You may participate either the online or onsite exam. However, after passing the course, improving the grade is possible only in the onsite exam.
Formula collection of the course (pdf and docx)
List of elements and operations of Mathematica FE-code (pdf).
The FE-code (file) of the course is updated weekly with solutions to examples in lecture notes, exercise problems of the week, and assignments of the week. You can use the code, e.g., to check the outcome of hand calculations. To access the code:
1. Download the Mathematica software.
2. Download and save the file "Fem MEC-E8001" (Mathematica solutions).
3. Click on the "Fem MEC-E8001" icon to start Mathematica.
4. Open and evaluate "shift-enter" the cell for a problem to see a Mathematica solution
Grading of assignments, exams etc.
Exams 23.02.2022 Folder
Exams 13.04.2022 Folder