Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen


    Product Analysis is an introductory course to interdisciplinary product development and the Aaltonaut way of studying. In this course each interdisciplinary team is given a product and they track down its journey from an idea to the store. Every week there is a lecture and a workshop regarding one aspect of a product development process. During the course teams implement knowledge from the classes to their product. The integrated coaching is essential part of the course's structure. While applying each weeks subject students improve their teamwork and communication skills at the workshops and presentation.

    This MyCourses page is under development!

    The Course is possible to study totally on-line though some of the teaching is also in Design Factory Stage (or Protobunker) on  Fridays 13:15-16:00 starting from September  17 th until final presentations December 17th.

    Advice link about online studying