
  • LC-XXXX, KiVANET-Chinese 2, 5 op

    In this course, we learn more communicative situations in everyday life and work.  We learn to express tense and aspect in Chinese and find out more about Chinese culture. Vocabulary and characters will be covered through the course.

    This course consists of two parts: Chinese 2 (3 ECTS) and Characters 2 (2ECTS). Eight lessons in total.

    • Chinese 2 covers lessons 1, 3, 5 and 7
    • Chinese Characters 2 covers lessons 2, 4, 6 and 8 
    • Huaying! 欢迎!Welcome to the class!

      Before we start the course, here is something to warm you up :)
      Some basic info about China´s economy and present life: