Topic outline

  • Tervetuloa kurssille Suomi 1!

    Welcome to the course Finnish 1!

    Time: 27.9.-9.12.2021, Mondays and Thursdays at 16.15-17.45
    Place: Zoom
    Teacher: Julia Kemppinen (

    • Tämä on kysymys- ja kommenttifoorumi. Voit kysyä, mitä haluat ja muut voivat vastata.
      This is a forum for questions and comments. You can ask what ever you want and the others are free to answer.
      I will follow this forum and add my answers or comments.

    • Instructions how to use the smartphone app Otso to listen to the audio of the textbook.

      'Otso' is an old Finnish synonym for the word bear. The bear has many euphemisms because people were afraid of bears and did not dare to use its real name.