Topic outline

  • Decolonize your studies - General Information

    fall 2021 schedule

    This course is taught in person on campus.

    Kiia Beilinson:
    Miia Laine:

    Where & When
    Thursdays 15.15-18.00 class, 18.00-19.00 workshop time
    On Campus teaching, Room Y347, Otakaari 1

    Course Description
    This course is an introduction to decolonial thinking and practice. Students will develop a critical lens to look at norms and power structures within their own disciplines. Through discussion and reflection we will find tools to look at objectivity, methods, narratives and the production of knowledge in order to unlearn and create a more just academia.

    Learning Outcomes
    After completing the course, students will be able to

    • understand the complexity of decolonisation as an international and interdisciplinary process

    • be able to contextualise their own discipline within the sphere of decolonial thinking

    • understand the power dynamics of how knowledge is produced and distributed

    • critically apply decolonial methods within the university setting as well as in work and industry environments

    Course Schedule
    Pre-reading materials provided a week prior to each session

    16.9. 15.15 - 18.00: Introduction to decolonial thinking
    23.9. 15.15 - 18.00: Eatnameamet - Our Silent Struggle
    30.9. 15.15 - 18.00: Guest lecture: Monica Gathuo
    7.10. 15.15 - 18.00: Innovation and Development
    14.10. 15.15 - 18.00: Guest lecture: Samir Bhowmik
    21.10. 15.15 - 18.00: Decolonising disciplines
    28.10. 15.15 - 18.00: Group work presentations: Where to go from here?

    7.11. Learning Diary deadline

    Total: 81h
    of which
    Lectures: 21h
    Individual work (class preparation, learning diary and reflection): 40h
    Group work & communication: 20h including optional 7x1h workshop time in the classroom after each session

    Grading and Assessment
    The assessment of this course is pass/fail. To receive a pass and the 3 ECTS, students are expected to:

    • attend 6 sessions

    • prepare to sessions with the provided materials

    • participate actively in class

    • write a learning diary

    • produce a group project (4-12 pages of a zine) to be presented in the last session

    Students are provided with pre-reading material to prepare for each session.

    Learning Diary
    A learning diary should be written throughout the course, as reflections after the sessions or readings. It should have a minimum of 1500 words, with a section dedicated to each session.

    Assisting questions for personal reflection in between sessions:
    - What were the core things in class today? Name 1–3.
    - What new discoveries did I make? What did I learn?
    - How are these things related to my field of study?
    - Based on today's class, how do I understand what decolonizing means in my field of study/ in my studies in Aalto University?
    - What does decolonizing look like in my field of study/ in my studies in Aalto University?

    Group Work
    Throughout the course, students will work in groups to produce part of a zine connected to the themes of the course. At the end of the course, all the group works will be combined into a collective zine which will be presented and discussed in the last session. Each group will produce 4-12 pages for an A5 zine, which they will scan and print out for the last session. The peer group will also be a space for reflecting and discussing outside the sessions.

    The group zine doesn't have to cover everything, the group is free to focus on particular themes of their choice. The group work can also be divided in to sections of preferred thematics for each individual to work around, but consider the outcome first and foremost a product of collective effort and thinking together.

    Online platforms
    The lectures will be in person on the Otaniemi campus, Room Y347, Otakaari 1.

    Reading materials and all other information about the class will be on MyCourses. There will also be a discussion board where students can start threads.

    This course requires at least 80% attendance level. Attendance will be marked for every session. Students more than 15 minutes late to the session will be marked as absent.

    Active Engagement
    This class is dependent on the engagement of the students. The more prepared and open you will be, the more rewarding the lectures will be.

    Feedback, questions and discussion are always encouraged. Feel free to ask questions during class in the zoom chat or between classes on My Courses or e-mail. We will start each session with a short feedback round regarding the course and learning where you can share general thoughts. We will also provide a link for giving anonymous feedback.

    Safer space principles for conversation and learning

    • introduced and agreed upon as a group as well as in smaller groups
    • shared responsibility
    • this list is not complete, feel free to suggest edits or additions throughout the course
    1. This shared space is for the process of learning & unlearning. Be compassionate to yourself and others and apologise when needed.
    2. Respect each other, our identities, backgrounds, and rights for self-determination. We all come from various experiences, so let’s appreciate that while staying curious and sensitive to each other’s perspectives.
    3. Converse with respect. Listen to each other's perspectives and ideas, even when they differ from your own. It’s ok to ask questions and it’s ok to disagree. Let’s not judge but strive for understanding. Stay considerate and use trigger warnings if necessary.
    4. Examine and be aware of your own prejudice, bias, and privileges. Consider the power dynamics in your group. 
    5. Respect each other’s physical and emotional boundaries. Express your needs and listen to others' needs.
    6. Respect each other’s time, space & effort. Share the work equally. Do your share, participate, reply/ react to messages, don't leave your peers on hold.
    7. Take care of each other, take breaks and express our needs. 
    8. Wear face masks, keep a safe distance and avoid using strong scents in live gatherings.

    Feel free to contact Kiia or Miia if you have concerns at any time.

    Aalto Code of Conduct

    • A list of books, articles, links or anything else related to the course that you'd like to share with the other students.

    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (SISU)
      Anonymous Course Feedback URL
    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (SISU)
      Flinga URL

      Collective whiteboard for note-taking and sharing throughout the course.