TU-L0022 - Statistical Research Methods D, Lecture, 25.10.2022-29.3.2023
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Linear model implies a covariance matrix (3:17)
How to calculate a covariance matrices. This is a useful rule is because it allows us to see that the variance of Y is a sum of all these different sources of variation.
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this video, I will expand the previous video's principle to covariance
matrices. A correlation matrix is a special case of the covariance
matrix that has been scaled so that the variances of each variable are
1. So correlation matrix is kind of like a standardized version of a
covariance matrix. Some
features of linear models are better understood in covariance metrics,
so understanding the same set of rules in covariance form is useful.
Let's take a look at the covariance between X 1 and Y. We calculate the
covariance X1 Y the same way as we calculated correlation. So we take
the unstandardized regression coefficients here, so previously we were
working with standardized regression coefficients, these are now
unstandardized because we are working on the raw metric instead of the
correlation metric. So we have X1 to Y 1 path. We get the beta 1 goes
here. Then
another way of X1 to Y is to our travel 1 covariance X1 to X2 so that's
covariance and then regression path. So we get that and then our X1 to
X3, 1 covariance, and then to Y so that's all. We sum those together.
That gives us the covariance between X1 and Y and that's the same math
that we had in a correlation example but instead of working with
correlations, we work with covariances. Things get more interesting when
we look at what is the variance of Y. So the variance of Y is given by
that equation here. So the idea is that we go from Y, and then we go to
each source of variance of Y and then we come back. So we go from Y to
X1, we take the variance of X1 and then we come back. So its variance of
X1 times beta1 squared in the correlation metric we just take beta1 and
beta1 squared because the variance in correlation matrix is one so we
just ignore that. When
we go from Y to X1, X2 and beta2 then we get that here and we go it
both ways. So why this is a useful rule is because it allows us to see
that the variance of Y is a sum of all these different sources of
variation, so we get variation due to X covariance due to X1 and X2 we
get variation due to the error term. So the variation of Y is the sum of
all these variances and covariances of the explanatory variables, plus
the variance of U the error term that is uncorrelated with all the
explanatory variables. This covariance form of the model implied a
correlation matrix rule is useful when you start working on more
complicated models, such as confront factor analysis models.