LC-7210 - Suomi 1, Luento-opetus, 27.9.2021-2.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 02.12.2021 Search Courses: LC-7210
Paritehtävä 1: Mitä kello on?
Krav för slutförande
B. Mitä kello on? Mihin aikaan?
C. If you have extra time, go through the questions in the homework task 8 (p. 49).
A. Get to know your partner in Finnish.
Ask at least three different questions in Finnish (where they live, do they study, where they are from, what languages they speak...)
Remember the phrase Entä sä/sun/sulla/sulle?
B. Mitä kello on? Mihin aikaan?
Take turns when asking and answering the questions.
Remember the phrases: Kuka aloittaa? Kuka on seuraava? Kenen vuoro?