LC-7210 - Suomi 1, ryhmä 11 (remote), Luento-opetus, 18.1.2022-24.3.2022
This course space end date is set to 24.03.2022 Search Courses: LC-7210
Paritehtävä 2: Tervehdykset - Greetings
Krav för slutförande
1. First get to know your partner(s) in the break out room
- Mikä sun nimi on?
- Mun nimi on... Entä sun?
2. Practise greetings with the cards. Decide who is first by asking the question Kuka aloittaa? And answer Mä (I) or Sä (you).
The one who starts, reads aloud the expression in the card and the other one answer with a suitable expression. You can check the correct phrase by clinking "turn".
Go through the cards at least twice!