Magnetism and applications 2023, research report and poster topics

The course is completed by giving a presentation and doing a project report of a fitting subject. List of suitable topics are given below. You can always choose your own topic as well, as long as it fits or parallels the course content.

Scientific presentation 27.6. at 12:15 – 15.

Report delivery DL 9.7.2022

Send the chosen topic to Reko Hynönen (

1.      Solar polar regions, solar streamers and solar jets, Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter new observations

2.      VLF emissions and waves

3.      VLF waves during different geomagnetic conditions (pulsations, super storms, auroral substorms)

4.      Alfven waves, normalized cross helicity, force-free-flux ropes in solar wind

5.      Eastward electrojet and its coupling to westward electrojet at high-latitudes

6.      Ring current and eastward electrojet coupling

7.      Pressure pulse during substorm growth phase

8.      Substorm growth phase characteristics

9.      Relationship of geomagnetic storms pressure pulse/bulge to strength of the storm

10.  Complex and helical magnetic structures in the heliosphere incl. magnetic clouds

11.  Satellite magnetometers

12.  Virtual and traditional observatories

13.  Photometers and they usage in geophysics and space physics

14.  Geomagnetic pulsations e.g. Pc3, 4, 5, 6 & Pi1, 2

15.  Physics of Earth’s ion foretail

16.  World data centers and large-scale infrastructures

17.  Lunar mission, magnetic anomalies, lunar dust

18.  Interplanetary magnetic field and heliosphere

19.  Earth’s magnetic field polarity changes

20.  Radio disturbances and their effects to the high-tech society

21.  Space weather effects to animals e.g. migrating birds, whale

22.  Planetary auroras

23.  Solar missions such as Solar Parker Probe and magnetic structures

24.  Jupiter’s magnetic field

25.  Magnetic fields and reconnection

26.  Saturn magnetic field

27.  Magnetic fields and reconnection in the universe e.g. near the black holes

28.  The northern and southern polar lights

29.  Airborne and diving drones in environmental monitoring

30.  Space-faring nations and space weather monitoring

31.  Solar storms and their effects

32.  Hemispheric magnetic asymmetry e.g. south Atlantic anomaly

33.  Space debris, asteroid and other near-Earth object detection

34.  Solar data and flares

35.  Helioseismology

36.  Own topic

Last modified: Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 11:19 AM