Each team gets a Coach, who is a member of the course personnel. The coach helps the Scrum Master and the rest of the team with the use of Scrum and in other non-technical issues. The coach also evaluates the fulfillment of the work practice related requirements listed in the Project Manual.

The team meets their Coach several times during the project. The meetings include:

  • Sprint 0 plan (getting to know the coach, and presenting the plan)
  • Sprint 0 review (presenting the Sprint 0 results)
  • Project Reviews
  • Other meetings a few times

Both the team and the Coach can propose having an additional meeting if there seems to be a need for one. For example, the Coach can be invited a couple of times to a team's work session, Client meeting, Sprint Review or Sprint Retro. In these meetings the team may discuss the use of Scrum, course requirements, project's work practices, or any problems. Creating an agenda for the meetings allows the Coach to prepare better.

The team can also ask help from the Coach, e.g., by e-mail. In order to get better support, keep the Coach up-to-date with the project. For example, notify the Coach whenever some new artifact, such as a Sprint Plan, has been created.

Last modified: Monday, 19 June 2023, 10:42 AM