The course is graded based on the number of homework points (p.) Each set of homework is worth maximum of 20 points, for a total of 12x20 = 240 points. Initial point limits for the grading are based on a linear scale starting from 50% of points required for passing the course.

p < 120   \rightarrow  0
p < 144   \rightarrow  1
p < 168   \rightarrow  2
p < 191   \rightarrow  3
p < 215   \rightarrow  4
p>=215   \rightarrow  5

These limits may be adjusted later if needed, but for now they should still provide a guideline for what is required for certain grade.

Remember that in order to get a passing grade, you need at least 30% from both the MATLAB and the Mathematica parts of the course separately.

Last modified: Thursday, 11 August 2022, 9:43 AM