Group discussion on “Avoiding Plagiarism”


1.       What is plagiarism?  Are there different types of plagiarism?

2.       Why does plagiarism happen?

3.       Why is plagiarism considered a serious offence in the academia? What are the consequences of plagiarism?Can you remember any famous cases in the media where plagiarims was reported? 

4.       Is it plagiarism if

a)       you use your own words to describe someone else’s research and do not provide an in-text citation and a reference?

b)       you use your own words to describe someone else’s research and you mention the source in the references but provide no in-text citation?

c)       you copy words directly from a book into your own work and place quotation marks around them and provide an in-text citation and a reference?

d)       you describe someone else’s ideas using the original sentences but changing one or two words in each sentence and providing a citation and reference?

e)       copy a table from a source and you provide a citation for it underneath and include the source in the references?


5.       What should writers do in academic writing to avoid plagiarism? How can writers indicate within the text that some idea is  taken from someone else’s text?


6.       Does all information which is not your original idea have to be cited?  If not, what kind of information does not require a citation?

Senast redigerad: onsdag, 10 maj 2023, 14:39