Tasks for the 3rd study point: three tasks! Do all three, please!

Send everything to Rinna: rinna.toikka@aalto.fi


1.      Analyze a speech

Choose a public speaking video that you find interesting: a TED Talk or something else. Watch the video and analyze it a little bit. Write freely 2-3 pages. You could try to answer some of these questions:

What seems to be the goal of the speech? Who seems to be the target audience? Is the content relevant for a wide audience or only for a specified group of people?

What´s the main point of the speech?

What´s the speaker like? Verbal and nonverbal communication? Try to separate your observations and interpretations. (For example, if the speaker seems convincing… in which observations is this based on?)

Describe the context. What´s the physical context like? What´s the situation? If the audience is visible: what´s the audience like? How do they react?

If you gave a speech like that, would you do something differently?


2.      Self-compassion

Get to know the concept of self-compassion: Self-Compassion

Read a little a bit about the concept and then try 2-3 exercises: Self-Compassion Exercises by Dr. Kristin Neff

Feel free to be critical! Also, this might feel a bit weird. Try the exercises a couple of times and see if something works for you.

Write freely 1-3 pages. You could answer some of these questions:

How do you see the concept of self-compassion? What does it mean in your life? How do you feel about the exercises? What did you try and how did you feel about it? Any thoughts or new ideas / perspectives?


3.      Video presentation

Plan and record an informative video presentation OR a cv-video.

Video presentation could be done with the instructions on mycourses. 10-15min.

If you choose to do a cv-video, ask Rinna for more instructions.

You can use Panopto (or something else): Panopto media service | Aalto University

Plan your learning objectives in advance: what are you practicing with this video?

Watch the video and give yourself some feedback: Was it clear? Comments on the structure? Comments on self-expression?

Send a LINK to the video to Rinna + also your comments. (Your learning objectives and feedback)


Ask if you have any questions!

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 May 2024, 2:23 PM