How does the exam work? 

See the separate file about the assessment.

How does the homework work? 

See the separate file about the assessment.

What if I give a wrong answer to a question in class/in the homework? Will I lose points?

No, you cannot lose points for anything you say in class. 

As for the written homework, you gain points for answering the questions correctly and justifying your answers. You do not "lose" points for the wrong solution (although you do not gain any points either). 

Always aim to justify your solutions. The correct answer without any calculations is not worth anything (unless specifically asked for). On the other hand, if your reasoning is correct but you make a small mistake somewhere and get the wrong answer, you will still be rewarded for the good parts. This will also be the case in the exam. 

I was late with my homework submission. Can I still get the points? 

Unless there is a serious reason why you were late, your homework will not be accepted. (To avoid unpleasant surprises that might cause a delay, please be aware that your submission needs to consist of a single PDF file.) 

If you know in advance that you are going to need an extension and have a serious reason, please contact Luis.

Are we allowed to use computers or calculators during the exam? 

No. And therefore it's good that you start to solve the homework right from the start of the course without the help of a computer.

Can we use AI to solve the homework? 

See a separate file about this. The short answer is: no.

Can we work together on our homework? 

Yes, you are encouraged to discuss and help each other, but please note that everyone needs to submit their own solution. (Do not submit the same file as your friend, as that will count as cheating.) 

Where do I submit the homework? 

You will be able to submit your homework on MyCourses. Boxes where you can submit the homework will appear there.

In which form should I submit the homework? 

The only accepted form is a single PDF file. It doesn't need to be typeset on a computer, it can also be a scan of an image, but it needs to be written in a clear handwriting!

The solutions to what homework problems should I submit? 

Each problem sheet normally has six exercises. You have to submit solutions only to the last two exercises (i.e., the ones labeled as "homework"). The first four exercises are a warm-up, they will not be graded, but sometimes they can also be very useful for the following exercises.

I cannot attend the exercise sessions. Do I lose points?

No. But you lose the opportunity to ask questions to your TA and discuss with your fellow students.

Model solutions. Will you publish them? 

No. (Subject to the teachers' consideration.) 

Zulip. Do I have to register? 

No. You can get the best score by simply solving the problems by yourself. But it is highly recommended that you engage in discussions with your fellow students! (Plus, you can earn some bonus points from writing helpful comments on Zulip, so why not?! See the file about assessment about this)

Textbook. Do I have to buy it? 

No. You will be provided all the lecture notes and problem sheets via MyCourses. The main advantage of the book is that it contains a vast number of examples and additional exercises. The lecture time is precious, there is only little time for examples, so having a calculus book is a good idea. However, any calculus book will do. Adams & Essex is the one that has been used in the English-speaking version of Calculus at Aalto over the years, so that's the reason it is listed.

Senast redigerad: onsdag, 19 juni 2024, 10:23